My finger..

7:32 AM Edit This 3 Comments »
today is my color study assignment deadline..
and the assignment suppose is submit on 2day..
but i haven finish it yet... =_=||
then i wake up so early...
even today class are start at 2Pm.
when just wake up..
haven brush my teeth also...
then start process my assignment already..
i started from 10am until 1.30pm only finish it...
then go to TBR purchase some more things and printing by the cab..
when i print my name list out already 2.30pm..
so i was harry up cut it on the shop with the art cutter..
because i so nervous then i cut my finger...
that feel more pain then i donate my blood ... =_=||
i just cut half only..
then when i continual to cut the paper the blood already bleeding out on the table...
pain man... T_T
then i hurry up finish it..
and go out take a piece of tisu from my dear...
really unlucky today...

who know in the end my assignment still at my home now...
because i m late...
so need to submit on Wednesday..
hope wont be deduct marks...